Protecting Your Data Using Cloud Backup

by May 2, 2023SMB Technology, SMB Technology, SMB Technology, SMB Technology, Technology News

As shown by recent wild weather, one never knows when a natural disaster – or for that matter, a man-made one – might strike. How can you prepare your business to stay running and have access to data in case of such an event? Read on to learn more about using cloud backup to safeguard critical data.


Importance of Data Backup


Backing up your data is obviously necessary, but where to put it? Keep it on premises and risk having it inaccessible if a disaster disrupts your business? What if your business is closed for weeks or even months? One rule, the 3-2-1 rule, advises having copies of your data in multiple locations. Loss of critical data can result in interruptions to business operations, loss of trust of customers and other stakeholders, and even penalties for failing to comply with data protection regulations. What if one of the locations for data backup and storage is the cloud, with your data managed by a cloud service provider?


Benefits of Cloud Backup to Protect Data


Simply put, cloud backup is making copies of your data to store in the cloud, with the cloud provider supervising its security and integrity. Your business will have access to data in case of a minor or even major disaster, whether a power outage of a couple hours or a longer disruption. Your IT team can send copies of your data to the CSP for storage and backup, allowing workers to access it anywhere. With the CSP furnishing the infrastructure, as well as providing monitoring and reporting services, data remains safe from loss or compromise. Data storage and backup are scalable according to demand, with no need for multiple software licenses. Security and compliance are also enabled, with encryption in transit and at rest.


Test Your Network’s Readiness for Cloud Backup


Even with its benefits, cloud backup needs careful consideration. First, can your network handle the added demand from cloud backup? Assessing your network’s strength by running a Network Assessment to stress your network in a controlled environment; this will determine your backup window. Second, will the backup schedule for database and file management mesh well with network performance? Network monitoring can spot any irregularities that might interfere with your data’s accessibility when you need it most. 


Prioritize Security and Compliance


When working with a prospective cloud service provider, ensuring their commitment to securely storing your data to protect it from loss or compromise is crucial. Do they have end-to-end encryption to ensure all your data stays secure and private? Do they follow the data compliance regulations that your company must follow? As for your own network, are there any holes that need patching, and is your protection against malware current? All are questions to consider when adopting cloud backup.


Cloud backup has the potential to keep data safe and accessible. For further assistance, contact your trusted technology advisor today. 


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